"Learning" Art
Something that has always puzzled me is why somebody would go to college and major in art. Note that I am not talking about art history, restoration, or commercial art. I am talking about the teaching and learning of methods for the creation of art. I believe that art has become a college major because of our push for everybody to go to college. Somehow apprenticeship (which is the option I would favor concerning art) has fallen by the wayside. If a school has thirty art majors graduate in the same year, all taught by the same professors, wouldn't those thirty majors be creating at least moderately similar art? Art today is about uniqueness and standing out from the crowd. If somebody is taught some formula of how to create art, the same is being taught to several other people. Wouldn't that hinder the individuality factor? It is possible that I just know too little about art, but I believe that too much education in something creative will cause somebody to follow "approved methods" rather than unique methods, thereby destroying chances of innovation in art.
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