Saturday, July 16, 2005

Final Comments From Minnesota

It has been an extremely busy, frustrating, exciting, empowering, four weeks, and today is the final day. This time tomorrow I will be at the airport getting ready to head back to Tennessee. I have learned so much math and so much about math it is truly amazing. The whole secret world of mathematicians is one that I never really knew about, but now want to be a part of.

These four weeks I have learned that 2+3 is not 3+2, a circle and a triangle are the same thing, a sphere is a two-dimensional object, and that the more useless the problem, the more mathematicians like it. I have also learned how to draw four dimensional objects on paper, yet still can barely draw two dimensional objects. My brain has been turned upside down, and I am excited to know that it will probably never be returned to its original orientation.

The friends I have made here are ones I hope to never forget. It is amazing how strongly people can bond so quickly by spending hours discussing math. In my group are Julie, Angela, and Jen, and I don't know that I have ever gotten to know anybody as fast as them, with the possible exception of Bryan. It is going to be hard to have to leave the people I met here, because I feel some connection to every one of them.

Now, the other thing that sucks about going home: PACKING! Perhaps if I had tried a little harder to keep everything organized it wouldn't be so bad, but YIKES- This is going to take a while. In fact, I suppose I should probably sign off and pack.

Farewell Minnesota


At 11:44 AM, Blogger Mark Youngman said...

YOU didn't know that a circle and a triangle are the same thing? Guess I'll have to take you down off that pedestal now. is a circle a triangle?


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