Thursday, July 13, 2006

Math update plus a video

Well, the World Cup is over now. I can't wait until 2010. I am continuing to do math research. We proved that all Cayley Graphs formed from the units of a 2p cyclic group are distance regular of diameter three. Despite all the big words, we hardly used any math past high school algebra. On the plus side, Bernadette and I finally have something to put in our paper. The final days of the program are approaching, and I will be spending the remaining time trying to get a few more proofs, trying to write my first math paper, and preparing a conference talk. Yikes. I am being forced to grow up.

In my free time, I have noticed that the guy Zidane headbutted (Materazzi) is a jerk. Here is a video of 5 very dirty incidents he was in.

  • Materazzi Fouling

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