Sunday, September 02, 2007

Three topics

People have been asking me how it is being an old married lady. Sure, I have only been married about a month, but so far it is great. Bryan has been really wonderful and sweet and I can't imagine sharing my life with anybody else. Now that I am done being mushy, I am going to move on to something so ridiculous it is hard for me to believe.

Miss Teen South Carolina'a answer to the "thought provoking" question is absolutely ridiculous.

I don't even understand how somebody can pass that off as an answer to the question. I could maybe understand the rambling if it were her first pageant, because it could potentially be chalked up to nervousness. However with her experience in pageants I would expect that she at least come up with a crappy answer on topic. She later "defends" herself on Today show. She provided a trite on topic answer there. This clip isn't as good, but here it is anyways.

Well, best of luck to you Miss South Carolina. At least now you are famous (or infamous).

Now back to something serious. Graduate school is TOUGH! I knew that it would be, but classes just move at such a quick pace and they assume previous knowledge of several things that I knew 2 years ago, but have forgotten since then. I have been spending a lot of time reviewing, and I believe that I will soon be up to speed with people, but wish me luck! My real variables professor is very strange. He told me that we are never to do calculus on December 25. His reason? It is Newton's birthday. Oh well, at least he is more than willing to help me figure stuff out. He is just a quirky mathematician.


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