Monday, September 26, 2005

Blogging to Procrastinate

Ok, so I guess I don't really have anything to say. I am just blogging because I have a paper due in Junior Seminar. I know it will only take me about thirty minutes to write, but man, I just can't muster the energy to do it. You can always tell when I have something to do, because then I do everything else.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Trip to Walmart

To celebrate the purchasing of Halloween candy (and because we were bored), Christie and I went to Walmart in costume. Here are some pictures of Farmer Raena and Soccer Mom Christie.

May I suggest the beef jerky?

Reading up on how to raise a good household of children who respect Halloween

What's a cowboy hat and overalls without a camoflauge jacket?

Farmer Raena- The Walmart Pumpkin selection

Christie- Future Soccer Mom

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Does this brace make my ankle look fat?

Most people have insecurities of some sort. For many women it is their body image. They are constantly asking if something makes them look fat, or if they have too big this or too small that. For me, I haven't had a body image issue since my sophomore year of high school, and have been hard pressed to let my insecurities show.

A little over two weeks ago, I sprained my ankle. It still doesn't feel good, yet I am on the soccer team and want to play. It took me a full twenty minutes to run two miles on Tuesday. I don't think it has taken me that long since middle school. Insecurities that I have managed to elude for years are surfacing as I fear getting hurt again, or worse not even being allowed to play. I pity the people who are always wondering why they aren't good enough, because I have experienced it and it makes for a miserable day.

Monday, September 12, 2005


I have been really excited about a math program in Budapest. I was sure that Lambuth University would want to support one of its top scholars to go to such an esteemed program. I was sadly mistaken. Lambuth does not want to help its students as much as it wants to help itself. I guess I should have known that it wouldn't work out because the world is a harsh cruel place, but today my hopes were smashed.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


I am not one of those girls who you would generally believe to be in a sorority. Somehow, despite my status of being the person who did the worst job going through recruitment (twice), I am a member of Alpha Gamma Delta. I was given the bid and thought, well I can at least try it and see if it is something I actually want. Turns out it really was. Sure it took me a little while to spend time with anybody who wasn't a soccer player, but now I have a great group of friends, and an even more extensive group of people who I may not even know, but care about me. I have gained leadership positions and so many opportunities that I otherwise would not have had. Alpha Gam has worked out very well for me and I am so glad for all it has given me, and I hope I have at least returned the favor.

Monday, September 05, 2005

My collection

I have apparently decided to collect something new this year- Injuries. So far I have had a concussion, now I have a sprained ankle. Who knows what is next... Hopefully I will get over this phase of collecting injuries.

Friday, September 02, 2005


It is sad how quickly a "civilized" society can deteriorate under adverse conditions. People in New Orleans are shooting down helicopters that are there to get people out. Why?

Thursday, September 01, 2005

23 Seconds

Have you ever noticed how a small amount of time can make a gigantic difference in the end? For me, it is 23 seconds that is making all the difference. I don't know why I can't get out of my rut, but I feel it started a few weeks ago in the 23 seconds that were part of the 15:23 two mile run. You see, we were supposed to get it in 15 minutes flat, but ever since I haven't passed that fitness test, because of those extra 23 seconds, I just haven't been able to get it together on the field. Maybe my body is causing my mind to overreact, and I hope I can convince myself that 23 seconds is nothing, but right now it is making all the difference in the world.