Monday, November 21, 2005

Fall Break/ Thanksgiving

So many people miss those first two days of classes in Thanksgiving week, I just can't help but wonder why schools don't just combine fall break and Thanksgiving. Our fall break is only two days long, and that is how many we would be missing for the beginning of Thanksgiving week. Oh well, I know it won't ever change. I was just wondering.

Monday, November 14, 2005


Lambuth sucks. I don't think it was the best choice for me academically. I am glad to know many of the people I have met here, but as far as providing opportunities, Lambuth fails. There were much better choices, and I wish I had known that before enrolling. I feel like I was lied to by admissions and that they continue to lie. I realize that it is the job of admissions to recruit students, but the school should be good enough that they don't have to lie.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Arctic refuge

I don't usually get very political on a large scale, just a small basic respect type thing. When I heard they were planning on drilling in the Arctic Refuge, I disapproved strongly, however. I did the whole send a letter to my representative thing, and kept up with the issue. Congress recently voted on the budget bill, which included a section about drilling in the Arctic Refuge. The bill was turned down at least preliminarily. There will be another vote on the budget where the drilling may be worked in. If you want more information visit

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Soccer is a wonderful sport and I am glad I play for the Lambuth team. But during season I tend to miss spending time with certain people. I have only been home once since August, and even people I share classes with I miss. Today for the first time I got to hang out with Christie Terreson for more than a class period. Sure it was only for the hour or so when we both would normally have class, but it was great. I am ready for season to end if only because I miss spending time with people that aren't on the team. I am sure in a month I will be missing soccer, but I guess that is just the way life is. You only miss something when it isn't there.