Monday, June 25, 2007

Squash is Rough

Today I learned how to play squash. It is a lot like racquetball except the ball doesn't bounce very well, and the court is smaller. There are also out of bounds. It was very fun, however I did suffer an injury. I was playing with Annie Carter, and I turned around to see where the ball was headed and it smashed into my neck. The picture I posted was taken about 6 hours after the injury was incurred. I can't decide whether or not I want a bruise. It is a cool, random place to get a bruise, but with my luck it would be there for the wedding. I'll let you know what ends up happening.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


They make you bag all of your own groceries in Minnesota!

Friday, June 22, 2007


You know what I love to play? Racquetball. It is a great sport because it doesn't require that you find other in shape people to play with. In racquetball you really only have to have one of three strengths: strength, placement, or fitness. What I lack in the first two I make up for in the third. However, I have the most difficult time playing against people who do have the first two strengths (especially placement for obvious reasons). I basically got destroyed today on serves alone. If I could come up with a solid return, i would generally be able to scramble to get the ball on other hits, but I think of the 21 points scored against me in the first game (match?) 15 were because I got smoked on serves.

I believe additional problems arose from the way I usually play racquetball. I generally try to place the ball in the area that requires the most amount of running for Bryan, and don't try to beat him fast enough that he doesn't bother to make the run (though admittedly I don't think I am quite good enough to do that consistently anyways). But despite an embarrassing score today, I had a very good time and look forward to playing often in Memphis next year.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


So, as it turns out, when I was in Northfield two years ago I made an impression on Maggie. She now plays soccer. I hope she is enjoying it and I also hope that her parents are enjoying it (at least to some extent). Soccer has taught me so many life lessons, and I am glad I was given such a safe environment to learn them in. I love the game, and hope that Maggie does too.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Bird in the House!

Yesterday was quite an adventure. We are painting the walls in "my" room, though my mom has made it perfectly clear that the room is really not mine anymore. In order to keep from suffocating from the paint fumes, I decided we should open the windows (this is the first time I have done that in the ten years we have lived in Tullahoma). I figured we may end up with a few bugs in the house, but nothing too bad. Wrong!!! Yeah. A bird flew in the house. Of course the bird just had to go in the room with all of my stuff that had been moved out of my room. Also in that room are all of my mom's collectibles and my shower gifts(including some china). So now we have a very nervous bird trying to get out of a house that only has three windows that have ever been opened, and the bird is nowhere near them. I don't know if any of you have ever had a bird in your house, but let me tell you, it does not want to be there. It kept swooping and hopping and flying everywhere in the room. Finally we got it into the dining room and were able to scare it out the front door. Good job Glenn!